Home » Why People Love to Hate competency based education vs traditional education

Why People Love to Hate competency based education vs traditional education

by Radhe

There are two types of education. Competency based education is the kind that is designed to make you competent in your field, whereas traditional education is designed to make you competent in your field. The goal of competency based education is to get you better at what you do and to provide you with the tools needed to learn that skill in a more effective way. Whereas, the goal of traditional education is to teach you to become well rounded and to develop the skills you need to accomplish your goals.

Well, I guess in the end it comes down to personal preference. I think I prefer the latter. I find it much easier to learn new things and to pick things up that aren’t the most current in my field. This is particularly true when it comes to learning a new skill. I don’t have to memorize a new fact or formula every day, so I can spend my time on things that are relevant to my life that aren’t too much effort.

I guess the thing is that what you learn and develop by training yourself is what you learn and develop by developing yourself. This is true even if you train yourself in a classical sense. If you train yourself in an activity that you find rewarding, you will develop that activity and become more skillful at it. And if you train yourself at something that isnt rewarding at the time, you will stop learning it because it becomes a chore, which is just wasting time.

You might not be able to learn, so you may take a long, hard lesson. The longer, harder the learned activity is, the better.

Traditional education is often equated with the belief that an academic education should be something you have to earn. But in reality, most people are capable of learning many things that are not part of the traditional curriculum. For example, I have a Ph.D. in psychology and a master’s in education. I have been an education assistant for five years, a college professor for four, and a high school English teacher for two.

The only problem is that in the traditional education system, these teachers are expected to have high academic degrees to prove that they are qualified to teach. But because the traditional system is based on individualism, the teacher is judged on their ability to teach what is taught in their classes, not on their actual knowledge or abilities. This also means that they are not given the time to learn or grow as a teacher.

This lack of growth and development in teachers is a big problem. A teacher who is a good teacher is a good teacher no matter what years of experience they’ve had. A good teacher, however, has a strong foundation that they are working to build upon, and that foundation is a highly developed skillset. Not having the time or the desire to learn, to learn what is taught in their classes, is a huge weakness.

Teachers who are not skilled are not skilled teachers. The reason is simple: they lack the “competency.” In “competency based education” teachers are taught what they know, or what they have learned. Teachers are trained to be able to identify, develop, and apply skills. In traditional education teachers are taught skills, abilities, and knowledge. In traditional education teachers are also given the time to teach their students.

In competency based education, teachers are trained to be able to identify, develop, and apply skills. In traditional education, teachers are trained to be able to identify, develop, and apply knowledge. The biggest difference is traditional education is a “teacher knows best” system. In competency based education the teacher is expected to use their knowledge to teach in a way that is both clear and understandable.

The difference between competency based education and traditional education is that in competency based education, teachers are given the time to learn. This is not to say that teachers are not always going to learn the knowledge they’re going to impart. To say that children are going to learn the knowledge they need to learn the skills required to do that is not to say that not every child is going to do something that they don’t want to do. They have to learn what they want to do.

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