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How To Flip Classrooms

by Anshu Dev

Technology is progressively making its way into the classroom environment. Many experiments and breakthroughs in education today are motivated by a desire to turn this tendency into practical benefits. The flipped classroom is one such endeavour, and it is a well-known method all around the world. The fact that students learn before class using materials prepared and provided by a teacher is its most distinguishing feature. New technologies assist in the design and delivery of these educational resources such as the internet, education app, etc. 

The flipped classroom, on the other hand, is built on more than just these surface concepts. This strategy reflects a paradigm shift in the way students are taught. The concept focuses more on the students and the teachers’ role changes from the main character to a side hero. The flipped classroom allows students to have a more individualised learning experience. 

No officially acknowledged model would impose the tools or techniques of modifying the educational process, there are numerous options to begin using the flipped classroom method. The method can be tailored to the needs, preferences, and abilities of the groups and teachers.

The flipped classroom is most usually connected with short video films and tutorials made by the teacher, in which he or she presents significant themes for students to study and understand before the next class gathering.

It is thought that generating and utilising instructional resources in the form of multimedia is more appealing to today’s youth and better fits their lifestyle. Teachers can use currently available resources to incorporate video, music, animation, and dedicated interactive exercises to engage students in learning to the fullest extent feasible.

Steps To Flip Classroom

  1. Decide The Right Technology For You

You must select something simple and clear for you. After all, if you don’t find it easy, the entire process might be exhausting.

The videos themselves aren’t intended to be viewed on a big screen. They’re supposed to teach your audience about your topic, not to show off your editing prowess. The important thing is to complete them in one sitting. It’s not a big issue if you make a mistake. 

  1. Choose The Right Video Platform

You will have to choose the right platform for you to not only upload the videos but also make the learning process seamless for your students. 

You need to consider things like student privacy, data privacy, interface, accessibility, etc. while choosing a video platform.

  1. Decide A Format and Make Videos

Plan on how you want your videos to be, what kind of format do you want, what should be its length, etc and make your videos accordingly. 

Begin with two or three videos and work your way up. You’ll probably improve the content significantly over time, and if you record everything in a short period of time, you’ll miss the potential to modify them without fully redoing them.

  1. Check And Improve

The overall picture of a flipped classroom is comparable to anything else you do as a teacher: you test new things, discard what doesn’t work, maintain what does, and gradually improve your tools and tactics.

Once you’ve established your video-making plan, you can begin to notice how much less stressed you are. When a student is absent, they can still watch your lecture on the internet. Teachers and administrators in special education will like you since they can now easily access your lessons. Parents are no longer under the impression that they don’t understand the topic or that their child doesn’t have access to content or activities. You’re available whenever you want. Anytime. Anywhere. Is it a little creepy? Sure. However, the first time is well worth it.

The flipped classroom concept modifies the way you teach. It is one of the most effective models and hence, is being implemented by schools and universities across the globe. 

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