Home » california forum for diversity in graduate education

california forum for diversity in graduate education

by editor k

I had to chuckle at the title of this blog post. Cali is a fairly diverse city with many different races, ethnicities, cultures, and religious groups. This forum, however, is for women in particular.

Although they might be called ‘women,’ the people who post here are really just concerned with being diverse in all its facets. They want to make sure that all of their students have the same opportunity to succeed, all of their students have the same opportunity to succeed, and they want to show that diversity can be positive in the life of any person regardless of their sex or gender.

The California Women in Graduate Engineering Forum is a place where women in the computer science community can share their voices and experiences. They want to learn about the diversity of the computer science community, and they want to learn about ways that the computer science community can be diverse.

The California women in graduate engineering forum is a place where women in the computer science community can share their voices and experiences. They want to learn about the diversity of the computer science community, and they want to learn about ways that the computer science community can be diverse.

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