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5 Laws Anyone Working in cope up meaning Should Know

by Radhe

One of the worst things I’ve ever felt is the feeling of being underappreciated. When I see someone doing a great job and have the opportunity to help, I feel like I should be able to give back somehow.

You know what I mean. I think what we all feel when we see a person who has excelled in their career is a little underappreciated. We think they’re just so lucky to have that job. There is nothing wrong with having a job once in a while but I feel like there is a time and place for this kind of thing.

Another thing I think we all feel when we see someone who has excelled is being overwhelmed by the feeling of being underappreciated. I think this is probably one of the biggest reasons why we feel so hurt and sad about the passing of people we look up to. We feel as if we have done nothing to deserve their success so, naturally, we feel a little betrayed.

We all do this. We all feel the need to make others feel better. We feel disappointed when we see someone, especially someone we look up to who achieved something we can’t. When we see someone fail, we feel like we do not deserve their success and therefore feel a little rejected or inferior.

I think that it is important to recognize that we all feel this. When people achieve something we look up to, we feel a little disappointed. We feel hurt. We feel like we did nothing to deserve it, or that it was us who failed. Most of us don’t give a second thought to what we did right, it just gets swept under the rug and forgotten. It’s all about what we did wrong.

I know its a shame that we feel this way but we need to make it stop. At the end of the day, we must remember who we are. We must recognize that we are the people we are no matter what. We are the people who believe in ourselves. We are the people who believe we can achieve anything. We are the people who believe we can do anything. We are the people whose dreams actually make them do something. We are the people who believe we can do anything.

I’ve always been a bit of a worrier. I think that’s because I have the same problem I have with every other human being on the planet. I worry and I worry and I worry and I worry. I think that’s why I’ve always been so self-conscious. A good friend of mine told me I have a problem of self-consciousness.

It does not matter how much pain we are in and how much fear we face, we can still do more. I know this. I feel this way. We are all capable of doing more than we thought we could. When I say we, I mean we. We can do more than what we thought we could do. We all can be better.

It’s not just me thinking this way. I have three friends who are, in the words of our friend, “coping up.” They all have big goals. They are all incredibly ambitious. They all have big dreams. But they are all struggling with how to achieve those goals. Some of them have been “coping up” for a very long time. Some of them have been “coping up” for a very long time.

If you have a goal you want to achieve, but you are not sure if you can or can’t do it, then it is time to cope up. You can do more than you thought you could do. You can be better than you thought you were.

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