The people I talk to about these things are often people who are on the fence whether or not to get their house painted. I’ve had a lot of people tell me that they do and don’t paint their homes, but I’m not sure that they do. You can ask them to describe what their typical day is like and you’ll find that it’s not much better than mine.
Painting a home is a huge commitment. It requires you to take the time to consider what else will be happening, how do you want your home to feel, how much time do you think you’ll need to devote to it, etc. I know that for myself when I first started, I had an idea of what I wanted my home to look like, but it took me a long time to actually paint it.
Yeah, painting a home can seem like hell. The process of putting the final touches on a home is a huge undertaking. You don’t have time for much else, so you need to make sure you get it right. I always thought that when it comes to painting, I’d never get it right, but I’m pretty sure I now.
Sure you need a lot of time, but I wonder if you could do it in a way that you didnt get it just right and then you wouldnt have to waste so much time. I know the pain of a painting can be really great, so if you wanted to do it in a way that didnt make it look as bad as it could, you could just paint it quickly.
If you have a lot of time then you might want to consider working with a professional painter. Not only does their skill set help you get your ideas right, but the prices are often cheaper than hiring a freelancer.
That is true. That is why I recommend getting a painting done by a professional. You can do it yourself if you dont want to pay someone else to do it, but it is a lot better to hire someone else to do it. It is much easier to go back over something you would rather just do yourself and not have to waste your time fixing up something that isnt good enough.
Some people are the exact opposite of pros. They have a knack for making whatever they touch into a mess. Thats why the two of us are not friends. Thats why we have a rule of thumb in our house: Anything that makes my house look like a mess isnt a friend or a professional.
The thing I hate most in this world is people who take care of everything for everyone else, like housekeepers. They take care of the kitchen, the bathrooms, the laundry, and the other stuff that should stay out of the way when you are working. As I say in the article, some people are the exact opposite of pros. They have a knack for making whatever they touch into a mess. Thats why the two of us are not friends.
Well, that is my favorite part. When you are a professional, you know what every single little thing you touch needs to be done, but you don’t know the best way to do it. You have a “goals” list, but you’re never going to make it to the list. This is why my house looks like a mess to me.
The truth is, some people are just lazy or just arrogant. They’re not going to go to the effort of cleaning our house every week. Instead, they will choose to make it look good for a week, and then just leave it all sitting there. You know what they call that type of person? Trash Can Dweller. They don’t do anything, and they make it look like they did.