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like who what what what where: Expectations vs. Reality

by Radhe

For me that has led to some interesting and sometimes surprising results. As a result of my lack of self-awareness and awareness of my surroundings, it has left me with a lot of questions. I have to admit I have found a few things I’ve been curious about, including some of the most common ones such as why did I decide to go to the gym or what is the best way to eat a tomato.

The thing is, a lot of people can relate to these types of questions. Because they are based on real experiences, people find them very interesting and interesting to share. The difference between us is that we are not stuck in a time loop. We are, however, very aware of how our habits, routines, impulses, and reactions are affecting our lives.

The same way we don’t have to stop our thoughts when we’re on autopilot, we don’t have to stop our behavior when we’re on autopilot. For example, I’ve noticed that when people ask me what I’m doing right now, I tell them I’m working on an article for a social network site.

Now you may be thinking that Im going to have to stop thinking when Im on autopilot, but then you would be wrong. Instead, just think about what you are doing and take a moment to evaluate the effects that that behavior is having on your life and the lives of those around you.

In the case of our own lives being on autopilot, we are all on autopilot. We can all feel that we are not in control of our own thoughts, actions, or feelings. When we’re not aware of this, we can easily lapse into what we consider to be unconscious thoughts and actions or the unconscious “thought” that we think we are the best person for something.

This is not an uncommon phenomenon. One of the reasons we like to take breaks from our busyness is that we can take a break from being aware of our thoughts and actions, or even our unconscious thoughts and actions. We can become aware of what we are doing in a moment, and then take a moment to evaluate what that action is doing to our life and the lives of those around us.

For example, when we are on the computer doing the shopping, we can become aware of the things we need to buy and can make a list and then just sit back and let our shopping happen on its own. When we go to the dentist, we can be aware of the things we need to do and can go through the motions and do them. When we are in a meeting, we can be aware and notice things and make notes so we can review later.

I could go on and on and on. We’ve all been there, and we all know all the reasons why we’re not aware of our habits, routines, urges, and reactions. We just don’t see it because we’re too busy doing other things. Some of us have trouble accepting that we are not in control of our lives all the time.

You know the one that we all love to hate? The one everyone says is the most important? It’s the one that says, “I know what you’re doing. I’m reading your mind.” It’s the one that says, “I’m watching you.” And honestly? Sometimes this is the hardest thing to accept. We are so in a hurry, so overwhelmed, so distracted by other things that we don’t even notice that we are on autopilot.

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