I am the Craven County Board of Education. This is from a letter that was recently sent to teachers, parents, students, and administrators. The letter was written in response to the “Craven County School District Board of Education’s (the “Board”) recent decision to remove the Craven County High School from the list of charter schools eligible to receive state education funds.
As I read the letter, I kept thinking about the infamous letter that was sent to teachers in the early 90s when Craven County was still a part of the state. It was in response to the fact that the Craven County Board of Education didn’t think that Craven County High School was a public school. In other words, the Craven County Board of Education wasn’t sure if the district was actually a public school or not.
It seems that the Craven County Board of Education and the education funding it gets is also the reason that the Craven County High School District gets not so great grades. The Craven County Board of Education and the district (along with the state) decided that they want to run the schools on their own and that is why Craven County High School is not in the district anymore.
Like everything else in Craven County, the Craven County Board of Education is run by the board members who live there. They serve on the county commission which is the highest governing body the county has. Because they’re doing what the county wants them to do, they’re being rewarded with lots of money and perks.
One of the perks of serving on the county commission is that you actually get to vote on the county budget. Since the county is running things, they’re going to keep the budget in their hands and not go on a spending spree to pay for things that arent even in the budget yet. They also are all elected to serve for only one year, so you get to see them and their familys in action before they go into retirement.
The county’s only one job that we have is our own. We’re not allowed to get together and go fishing or go to dinner or anything and were going to be too focused on the job to get a job on our own. We’re not allowed to spend time in a city’s yard on the other side of town doing what the people of our county do, except we are going to be too busy to be spending time in a city’s yard.
Oh, and did I mention that we were not allowed to wear our normal clothing.
Now, the county board of education is one of the most important jobs in the county. If you are a citizen, you are supposed to go to school and be educated, which is why we are allowed to wear our normal, everyday clothes. But we are not allowed to be in the city. So, every time we went to the grocery store and the people in the grocery store were not allowed to be wearing their clothes, we had to buy them new ones.