Bloodshot is when your eyes are so red that you’re unable to read the printed words on a page. Bloodshot eyes are often caused by high blood pressure or diabetes, and, in my opinion, this is the worst of it. I can’t imagine how hard it is to see through a bloodshot eye, and it’s such a terrible feeling.
The most obvious reason for bloodshot eyes is high blood pressure. But, in reality, a lot of people suffer from it, too. Some of the most common things that can cause bloodshot eyes are: High cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, excessive caffeine use, and certain medications.
High blood pressure is a major problem all over the world. In the US alone it is responsible for more deaths than heroin, AIDS, and cocaine combined, and there is no sign that it’s going to go down any time soon. High blood pressure can be controlled with medication, it’s not a disease, and its just a symptom of a larger problem.
Bloodshot eyes are actually pretty common. In fact, they’re pretty much all around us. In fact, most of the time they’re so common they’re not even the problem. Some of the most common things that can cause bloodshot eyes are High cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, excessive caffeine use, and certain medications.High blood pressure is a major problem all over the world.
As it turns out, most bloodshot eyes are actually a symptom of high blood pressure. I don’t know enough about the science behind bloodshot eyes to make a definitive statement, but it seems like high blood pressure causes the blood vessels around the eye to swell. These fluids get trapped in the blood vessels (or lymphatic system) and cause them to swell. The further away the blood vessels are from the eyeball, the less swollen the blood vessels get.
So if you have a high blood pressure, you may actually end up having eyes that look like they have a bloodshot tint.
The only surefire way to lower blood pressure is to exercise. If you’re like me and like to exercise, try to find a sport that gets you in shape. My personal favorite is basketball, but you can’t beat running for its cardio benefits and its ability to help you burn fat. I also like running marathons with friends and family.
Exercise has become such a common part of the American diet that it has the potential to lower blood pressure in some people. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you should exercise. It’s just a healthy thing to do.
Well, I should mention that there is a significant risk to doing any kind of exercise while you are taking blood pressure medication. Most people who take blood pressure medication are on a pretty strict regimen so they should have no trouble with exercise, especially if you take your medication before or on a daily basis. As with all medications, you should never exercise with them unless you are sure you can exercise without them.
But blood pressure medication isn’t the only way to exercise. Walking briskly on a treadmill isn’t dangerous, at least not for most people, and it’s especially safe for people who have certain health conditions, including heart problems and diabetes. Of course, if you have those conditions, you should exercise without them. But for most people, exercise is a great way to get your heart rate up and burn calories.